Wednesday, September 23, 2009



Sparkle Plenty said...

HEY!!! Is it your birthday??? If so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Can't wait 'til your Big Hallowe'en Shew--I sense Pumpkin Jack lurking in the wings...

Ephemera Watch: I got a bitchin' copy of Highlights magazine from my birth year recently. They have some extremely bizarre stories in there...

Sparkle Plenty said...


Steven Altis said...

Not my birthday, but thanks for the well-wishes. I'll save them until the real event! I just figured Sept. 23 would be a timely date on which to post that scan.

I love giving cool old birth-year specific magazines as presents, but most people don't really get it. They'd rather have gift cards. : (

And, yes... I do have my own country, but it's not all that it's cracked up to be. It's full of spiders and all of the faucets drip. Not to mention the fact that its major export is typewriter ribbon.

Sparkle Plenty said...

Gift card, gift schmard. Cool old birth-year specific magazines are the best presents.

You must have some Highlights stuff posted in this blog. I bet you do--think I'll tiptoe through the archives. I reiterate: It's some crazy shinola.

Major export is typewriter ribbon? I'm packing my bags for Pumpkinia.