Saturday, July 19, 2008

Saw Rock City


Sparkle Plenty said...

I can't believe I haven't commented on this post yet! Welcome back! I hope you had a wunnerful, wunnerful trip!

Now, where the heck IS this place and WHAT the heck is this place? It reminds me a bit of the "Storyland" place I went to when I was little--there was a remarkably similar Humpty Dumpty with a taunting smirk!

Mickey Dubrow said...

Did the Fairyland Cavern not freak you out? The Fairyland Cavern in Rock City is where you go to have an acid trip without taking acid.

Sparkle Plenty said...

Do the gnomes play Motownlike music or are they into heavy metal, like all dwarfs?

Steven Altis said...

Sparkle! You must get thee to Rock City immediately! I can not believe that you have not been there already as it strikes me as the sort of place where you would have been like... born or something! It's the sort of place where tiny cocktail umbrellas bloom from the soil every day of the year!

mickey, Fairyland Cavern freaked me out so bad that I want to live there! I want my own little cubbyhole right beside Cinderella and I will wave and smile as the tourist come round to snap pictures of me with their cell phones!